2022 Apr 2nd
JP Racing Open House
To kick off the month of April and to give ourselves a break from the temperamental Spring weather in Toronto, Team Vibrant headed out to Florida to meet up with some of our favourite shop owners. During this trip, we knew we had to check out JP Racing, and as luck would have it, our trip coincided with JP Racings 5 Year Anniversary Open House.

So, on Saturday April 2nd the team loaded up and headed out to Fort Myers to join the festivities. We met up with the man himself, shop owner JP (Julio Paulo) and were given an exclusive walk through of his facilities. If you saw our Vlog on YouTube, you’ll know that this shop differs a little from our usual customer base, but at Vibrant we do performance, whether it’s the automotive industry, the marine industry, or any other industry.

JP Racing is a shop specializing in Jet Skis, and is known as the one stop shop for all Jet Ski needs in the Fort Myers area. JP Racing specializes in tuning, rebuilding, repairing, maintaining and fabricating anything and everything to do with Jet Skis. The event showcased everything that JP Racing has to offer in the Jet Ski industry, and brought well over a couple hundred visitors throughout the day. Included in these visitors were some of the top companies in the aftermarket Jet Ski Industry, including notable companies such as Fizzle Racing, BK Built and Calas Performance. In addition, the event attracted visitors from the some of the top Jet Ski Clubs in Florida, including Florida Ski Riders and Jet Riders Nation.

The success of this event is no surprise, as JP Racing is truly the best in the business when it comes to the Jet Ski scene. Seeing as we here at Vibrant like to align ourselves with the best of the best, it should come as no surprise that we are working closely with JP Racing in developing parts geared toward Jet Skis. Speaking with JP on a personal level throughout our visit, we learned that there is a vast gap in the Jet Ski market that Vibrant is hoping to fill. The Jet Ski industry currently lacks universal race parts designed specifically for Jet Skis. The Jet Ski industry would benefit significantly from the bridging of this gap, and by working with JP Racing we are hoping to design HD Clamps, Hoses, Piping and Intercooler cores to specifically address these concerns. We are also hoping to develop some Titanium products specifically for the Marine Industry, as Titanium is resistant to the corrosion of salt water.
The highlight of our trip to Florida was most definitely our visit with the crew at JP Racing. After seeing firsthand what the Jet Ski Industry has to offer, we cannot wait to get work and continue our relationship with JP Racing.